Monday, January 17, 2011

1. Louisiana

January 16, 2011


Jackson Square in the French Quarter

     An early morning flight on American took us to New Orleans. First stop - Cafe du Monde for beignets.  A walk around Jackson Square to take in the sights and listen to the music of "The Big Easy".  With a few hours to kill, Harrah's casino was our next stop. No big winners here, but we played long enough to have our parking paid for. 
     The afternoon was spent at Blue Cypress Books visiting with my cousin who is an illustrator. My cousin, Brenda Nichols illustrated the book Beauregard Le'Moose Is Loose in New Orleans. The book was written by Judy Phillips and they were both at the book store for a signing. It gave Dennis and I the perfect opportunity to put in a little family time while on our quest. Much to my delight when I walked in was another cousin, Tera, who I hadn't seen in a number of years. After visiting and gathering recommendations of various restaurants to try while on our quest, we headed to our second state, Mississippi.

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