Wednesday, February 9, 2011

6. Kansas

February 6, 2011
    Yes, we left 54 degree weather and headed north to 34 degree weather. As we arrived into the Kansas City airport everyone warned us about the expected snow and ice. We had just spent four days in Texas with snow and ice and here we were about to encounter it again. The snow already on the ground was absolutely beautiful and the roads were clear. At least some states know how to handle snow and ice. We opted for the insurance on the rental car (something we never do) just in case the weather did get bad. We spent the whole day in Kansas and Missouri and it never did snow or rain. We considered ourselves lucky.
   Our first stop was in Leavenworth, Kansas at the Santa Fe Depot Diner for breakfast. It was the beginning to our artery clogging day. The diner is set inside an old depot. My favorite were the signs on the doors for the "Men's Waiting Room" and "Women's Waiting Room". At least times have changed and Dennis and I could eat together. The "Iron Horse" breakfast came with eggs, meat, hashbrowns, and a half order of biscuits covered in pan gravy. I chose ham as my meat and Dennis had the sausage. There's nothing like a good piece of country ham. The biscuits and gravy were so large I wondered what a whole order would look like. There was such a generous portion of thick, tasty gravy that it would be impossible to eat it all. I'm not a biscuit and gravy person but I thoroughly enjoyed trying to decipher what all was in the gravy while I searched and ate the biscuits. We had wanted to try one of their cinnamon rolls that we saw when we walked in and we were glad when our waitress had forgotten to bring it to us. We took ours "to go".
   Leavenworth is a neat little town with beautiful architecture. There is even a carousel museum, although it was closed when we went by. We drove by Leavenworth Penitentiary. I was surprised at how interesting the architecture of the building is. It looks like this big government building sitting out in the middle of nowhere. No, we didn't go in, I was scared enough just driving in the front driveway to take pictures. Next to the prison was a field with buffalo. I can't remember when I've seen live buffalo, at least not in a zoo setting, and especially in the snow.
    Time to cross the icy Missouri River and head to Missouri.

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