Wednesday, February 9, 2011

7. Missouri

    We left Kansas and drove across the Missouri River to Missouri. We drove into Independence, Missouri which was home to Harry S. Truman, our 33rd president. The courthouse in Independence was inspired by Independence Hall. Across the street is Clinton's Soda Fountain (sort of ironic) which is where Truman held his first
job. The Truman Presidential Library was a
great place to warm up and gain a little
knowledge about history and our 33rd president. 
   We had worked up an appetite for a late lunch and couldn't wait to get to Stroud's Oak Ridge Manor for some of their famous pan fried chicken. This old farmhouse is home to some of the best fried chicken, just like my momma used to fry up in her cast iron skillet. We decided to share the family style chicken dinner. Dinner began with a bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup, the perfect beginning to warm up our bodies. Next came the entree -  pan fried chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes and gravy. The portions were so generous that we had to leave some mashed potatoes behind. For those of you that know Dennis, you know this is hard to believe. We just didn't think we could get them through security at the airport. The pan gravy was thick and delicious, just what my arteries needed. Oh well, you have to enjoy life, I'll walk it off next week. Stroud's also has its own version of cinnamon rolls, not like what you and I are used to. They're actually more like a biscuit consistency with cinnamon sugar on top. We shared one and packed up the additional three to take home and enjoy later. Lunch was wonderful and the view of the snow covered out-buildings was like a scene from a painting.
   We headed back to the airport to catch our flight home. We arrived home just in time to watch the 2nd half of the Super Bowl game.

Oh...about that insurance we took out on the rental car. Dennis said it was the best $27.50 he ever spent. Driving on Interstate 435 a rock or piece of ice hit us and chipped the windshield. Moral of the story- always go with your gut instincts.

Leg 3 -
     1 day
     2 flights
     112 miles driven
           = 2 states visited
                     43 states to go

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