Sunday, May 8, 2011

16. Virginia

      It was a beautiful Sunday morning to visit Mt. Vernon, George Washington's home. The crowds were not bad on this Mother's Day. We then drove along the picturesque George Washington Parkway to Old Town in Alexandria. We had decided to forego my original plan of where to eat and walk along King Street in search of someplace else. Since it was Mother's Day, we weren't sure what we would find or how long we’d have to wait. Two blocks down we located King Street House of Blues. This place looked very familiar and upon entering, our hunch was correct. This is the place that Dennis's brother, Tom, has taken us to on several occasions. It is the original House of Good Eats, comfort food with a southern accent. While the name infers it is on King Street, it is really on Asaph St. A bar is on the first floor and the dining area is located on the second floor. Be prepared to walk up some stairs to enjoy the meal. The 3-dimensonal paper mache artwork is worth the visit alone. Our favorite has always been the train protruding from the wall. Another favorite is the Spirit of 76 mural.
Dennis ordered a half rack of ribs and I selected the chicken salad melt. The ribs were so tender, the meat fell right off the bone. The chicken salad melt was served open-faced with homemade potato chips. The smoked chicken was served with bacon under a bountiful amount of melted cheddar jack cheese and topped with chopped tomatoes. The sign says no one leaves the blues hungry and they're right. No room for dessert.
     We headed to the airport after a fun weekend. I've eaten so much this weekend, it'll be rabbit food for me this week. I love looking at the architecture on the East coast. Colonial houses have always intrigued me. We completed 5 states and never felt rushed. Of course I won't say how many times we entered Maryland and Virginia due to going in the wrong direction on one of their many loops. They are so confusing even to an experienced navigator as myself. We really must learn their loop map before next time.

Leg 6 -
   4 days
   2 flights
   579 miles driven
   Tolls - $14
     = 5 states visited
       34 states to go!

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