Wednesday, July 20, 2011

34. Arizona

     It was a short drive from Boulder City to Hoover Dam. Hoover Dam borders Arizona and Nevada. There is still a checkpoint that you go through but it is really relaxed. Now that the new Mike O’Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge over the Colorado River has been completed the traffic is not like it used to be. Through traffic uses the new Memorial Bridge. We crossed the dam into Arizona to take a few pictures. The Colorado River and Lake Mead are really low. You can see in the pictures the white water line. We then drove back over Hoover Dam so we could walk along the new bridge. The trail and stairs up to the bridge looked daunting from the road and we weren't sure if I could walk up the steep incline. I was determined to try and once we reached the parking area we realized there was a winding ramp in addition to the stairs. We grabbed our waters and started the hike. It was close to noon and the hottest part of the day but well worth the hike. The bridge is in Arizona so you cross the state line as you walk across. The view from the bridge of Hoover Dam is phenomenal.
It gives you a whole different perspective of the dam. The sidewalk is approximately 900 feet above the Colorado River. We wanted to drive on the bridge as well to check out that view but you can't see the dam or Colorado River when driving over the bridge due to the height of the side walls so you have to walk on the bridge to get the view.
    We had purchased a cinnamon roll at the cafe so we pulled off at the first exit to officially eat something in Arizona before heading back to Vegas. The heat really wiped us out so we were glad we had a little time to rejuvenate before Ben and Kevin arrived.

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